HCM202 Practice Management
Unit Description
The unit is designed to equip students with the oral and written communication skills they require to operate effectively in the workplace and to interact with a diverse clientele and professional medical network. This is achieved through an exploration of both the theoretical and practical dimensions of modern communications, with an emphasis on developing the skills needed to deal with a wide variety of different clinical communications environments.
In addition, students will gain knowledge and skill in the construction and use of medical terminology, with particular reference to its use in communicating with various specialist medical practitioners. The unit is structured around three key areas: researching, writing and presenting, with each designed to complement the others.
Students must have successfully completed HCM201 Critical Thinking and Research Skills to undertake this unit. Content in this unit is taught so that students can build upon and further develop the knowledge and skills acquired in HCM201 Critical Thinking and Research Skills.
Learning Outcomes
On completion of this unit the student will be able to:
- Articulate and discuss the theories and processes of entrepreneurship
- Articulate the qualities and characteristics of successful entrepreneurs
- Critically assess and analyse new business ventures
- Describe and discuss principles and processes involved in developing business and marketing plans
- Identify and assess the risks associated with new ventures
- Identify and articulate ethical considerations required in new business ventures
- Recognise and articulate the legal and regulatory issues associated with the creation of new business ventures in the health sciences sector, for example, copyright, intellectual property and licensing
Graduate Attributes (GA)
In addition to the unit-specific learning outcomes listed above, the following graduate attributes are taught, developed and assessed in varying degrees within this unit:
- Knowledge of applied health science theory and practice
- Knowledge of the social, cultural, global and environmental responsibilities within healthcare delivery systems
- The ability to communicate effectively with clients, peers and the wider community
- The ability to demonstrate in-depth competence in their area(s) of specialisation
- The ability to formulate and apply therapeutic interventions in their area(s) of specialisation
- The capacity to lead, manage and/or work effectively with multi-disciplinary and culturally diverse teams
- Awareness of professional and ethical responsibilities and a commitment to ongoing professional development and life-long learning.
Dermal Science